Implementation highlights

The All Eyes on the Amazon program finished its implementation phase in 2022. Some of its implementation milestones are highlighted below. Click on the (+) symbol to discover more information on each topic.

We supported the implementation of the deforestation early warning system (GLAD S2), based on satellites Sentinel-2, through the World Resources Institute (WRI) and Global Forest Watch (GFW), partner organizations of the All Eyes on the Amazon (AEA) Program, which detects alterations in the Amazon forest and has a better resolution than previous systems, generating open data available to Indigenous peoples and local communities in the Amazon.

GFW worked on the capacity-building of AEA local partners to guarantee the good use of these data and technologies to identify eventualities in their territories, interpret the information and communicate it to others.

Discover the Global Forest Watch platform here.


AEA Learning Platform + Academy

Access the AEA Learning Platform

The Amazon Indigenous Health Route

The Amazon Indigenous Health Route (AIR) was born in mid-2020 as part of the All Eyes on the Amazon program, as a respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Amazon to improve access to health for Indigenous peoples in Ecuador.


Thanks to the financial support of the Rockefeller Foundation, AIR obtained the funds to consolidate as a project in the Ecuadorian Amazon and expand to Peru (Madre de Dios) and Brazil (Maranhao).


Learn more about the project here

Although the AEA program ended its implementation phase in 2022, the mission continues. The local and international organizations that are part of this coalition remain committed to putting #AllEyesontheAmazon.

Learn about other implementation highlights

Download the most recent narrative reports of the program

First semester 2022

Second semester 2022